Financial accounts of Putten’s domains and properties 1379-1429

With related documents compiled by J.L. van der Gouw

Puttten and Strijen were autonomous domains for a long time during the Middle Ages; that is to say, they did not fall under the direct authority of the Count of Holland. These domains were united during the fourteenth century and in 1456, Philip of Burgundy, Count of Holland acquired Putten and Strijen. As a result of this, these domains now became part of the county of Holland, although they continued to be administered separately for quite some time.

This publication (in two volumes) contains the full text of the invoices of the steward of Putten from 1379, 1382-1384, 1386, 1388-1389, 1392 (fragment), 1395-1396, 1417-1422 and 1424-1429 and the rent books of 1385, 1391, 1395-1399, 1404, 1406, 1409 and 1416. These documents have been published without any background details. In addition, all kinds of texts and chartularies from the period 1229-1430 have been included that provide additional information about the domains in question. All of the documents come from the archive of the Lords of Putten and Strijen which is kept at the National Archive in The Hague.

These published documents are important because they give us an impression of how a portion of the landed property of an aristocratic family in the county of Holland was administered. Information of this sort is comparatively rare. The publication has a foreword with background information about the documents and an index. A list is also available of Regesten van oorkonden en akten voorkomende in de registers van de heren van Putten en Strijen (The Hague 1969) compiled by P. Ernsting and J.D. Winsemius. This contains chartularies from the period 1229-1481 and can be considered as a supplement to this edition.