The Netherlands and Sweden 1520-1920

This archive guide offers a systematic survey of source material present in Swedish archives that concerns relations between the Netherlands and Sweden during the period 1520-1920. The guide partially replaces two earlier Dutch publications by G.W. Kernkamp entitled Verslag van een onderzoek in Zweden, Noorwegen en Denemarken naar archivalia, belangrijk voor de geschiedenis van Nederland, op last der regeering ingesteld(The Hague 1903) and Baltische archivalia. Onderzoek naar archivalia, belangrijk voor de geschiedenis van Nederland, in Stockholm, Kopenhagen en de Duitsche Oostzeesteden (The Hague 1909), respectively. After Kernkamp’s study several changes took place in Sweden’s archives. Moreover, not only were various archives inaccessible around the 1900s but Kernkamp also failed to visit important collections such as the Kammararkiv.

In Een rondgang langs Zweedse archieven. [Exploring Sweden’s archives. Trans.] the user is introduced to the wealth of material available in Sweden’s archives on the history of the Netherlands. Introductions to the different archive collections provide information on how the archives were formed, how they were developed by the archive institutes and how their collections were opened up to the public. The guide also provides a survey of the folders according to their date and inventory number and can be searched using an index of names. Archives that were visited include the Riksarkiv, the Krigsarkiv and the Stadsarkiv in Stockholm, the Landsarkiven, university libraries and several special library and archival institutes. The research for this guide was carried out in 1967-1968 and in 1976.