The Dutch church in London 1569-1585

Edited by A.J. Jelsma and O. Boersma

In the latter half of the 16th century, the Dutch refugee church in London exerted considerable influence on the way in which protestantism evolved back home in the Netherlands. At first it was little more than a sanctuary, particularly for people fleeing from the Southern Netherlands, but later on it assumed the role of Mother Church to the rebel provinces. Organisational and financial assistance to support the Revolt was also provided by the Dutch church in London, albeit grudgingly. In addition to this, it contributed towards the development of the recently established protestant communities in the Netherlands. By the end of the 16th century, London had changed from being a sanctuary for religious refugees to a veritable metropolis. The migrants gradually became more driven by their own economic interests. Aside from this, the minutes also contain a lot of information on daily life in Elizabethan London.

This reference work mainly consists of minutes and a couple of appendixes and contains a mixed index based on names, places, and affairs.