Research group History
Specialisation Palaeography; study of records; medieval chronicles; political and institutional history of Holland in the 12th-14th centuries


Jan Burgers studied history at the University of Amsterdam, taking his doctorate (cum laude) in 1993 with a dissertation on palaeography in Holland and Zeeland in the thirteenth century. Since then he has been involved in various projects as an instructor and researcher in the Medieval History study group at the University of Amsterdam. He has been working as a researcher at the Huygens Institute since 2004, among other activities producing editions of the rhymed chronicle of Holland, a number of source publications on the writs of the states and cities of Holland and Zeeland, and the digital edition of the registers of the Counts of Holland during the Hainaut period (1316–1345). From 2010 to his retirement in 2019, he has held the chair of “Source access and apparatus for historical research of the history of the Netherlands” at the University of Amsterdam.

Research output in Pure